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Bullet Loco is an up and coming artist out of California. Dedicated to his sport and you can hear it in his lyrics. Check Bullet Loco out on SoundCloud.
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Check out this insane clip of the Streetfighterz and friends, out west ripping up the streets with insane wheelies, burnouts,
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Going through and posting all of your favorite Ride of the Century videos. This one published by Guru coming from 2010. Instant Classic.
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Another AZ's Finest clip. Group was ahead of their time down here in Arizona! Awesome stuff.
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You better know someone who knows someone and get the date and location for 2013!! Going to be a party!
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Amazing edit coming from RyTaps. Be sure to subscribe to his channel and be checking back for the full edit!
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Check out one of the local AZ riders Savage Lin. Filmed and edited by J.Billera, sick work in the industry as always! Shout out to Scott at High Output here in Mesa, AZ.
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Footage from the sickest ride of 2012. CSpliff put together a sick clip of everyone killing it at the gas station.